Monday, December 27, 2004


Well two months have come and gone and I am back from the South Pacific. It was a good trip and I would go back if I had the chance. Fiji was my favourite place that I visited - the tropical island setting, the laid back, relaxed lifestyle, and the people. It makes me want to visit other islands in that area. New Zealand was interesting - jammed full of activities like caving, skydiving, luging, hiking. The blackwater rafting was a favourite of mine, as well as the hike through Tongariro National Park. If I had more time I would have loved to go to the South Island, because the pictures my brother took while being down there made it look amazing. Australia was fun although the scenery got kind of monotonous after a while, but the warm water for swimming and surfing made up for it. Plus scuba diving, hiking with lots of waterfalls, seeing and touching wild australian animals and driving a landcruiser were some of my favourite activities there.

Its good to be back home for Christmas, although now that Christmas is over, I should probably start looking for a job.

*Unfortunately I just figured out that the settings on this blog were set so that only members could comment, but now I set it so anyone can comment.


At 9:09 PM, Blogger Arnold said...

Kinko's going oh so slow right now. I'm here till 11:30 So jealous of your trip. I'd like to check out Australia one day and meet some hot chicks. Happy job hunting.


At 10:29 PM, Blogger Mindy said...

Hey Aaron, glad your back - but now we are moving! Love to hear what you're up to...good luck with the job hunt!


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