The Backwoods Revisited
Four days after Chris and I went up to Stave Lake in his Escort, he went out and bought a 1990 Pathgrinder. So after a quick stop in Abbotsford this past weekend, we went back out to Stave to try them out. Stave looked a little different this time, more like a flat with a bunch of tree stumps.

We drove around a bit and then decided to head back home when we encountered a little bit of mud...

Despite our best efforts of trying to bounce the vehicle out of the hole, we were stuck. We wandered over to where a couple other trucks were, and found a Bronco mired up to its exhaust in a giant mud puddle. We were hoping that after he was pulled out, the guy who pulled him out could pull us out. But that Bronco was stuck and wouldn't come out. The guy trying to pull him out didn't really want to come pull us out since his clutch was smoking a bit, so we thought we'd go find some one else. As we were walking back, the guy changed his mind and came to help, the guy in the Bronco came too - without his truck. Fortunately Chris had brought a chain, so they hooked that up while I was taking photos, but the ground was too muddy and the pulling truck just spun its wheels and the pathfinder didn't budge.

The guy in the truck decided that there was no way he could pull out Chris' truck so he went to drive away - with a lot of difficulty. He walked back to help and we came up with a plan to put a log under the front tire and then three of us lift up the front of Chris' truck and push it backwards while Chris tried backing up. After a little bit we could feel the truck start to move very slightly so we lifted and pushed harder and Chris was free. Then he just gunned it to get back to solid ground. Unfortunately you can't photograph things and move a truck at the same time because I would love to have some pictures of us moving the truck out of the mud.
After that little incident with the mud, Chris has decided to stick with trail driving and leave the mud flats to the big boys.
Hey Aaron, do you often get into stuck-car situations? Because I tend to associate you with that in my mind from past situations and this blog post reinforces it. Still, things do work out in the end :)
Stefanie, when I had my old jetta I had a lot more car situations than I do now - remember the Dukes of Hazard style entrance I tried since the door was busted?
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