Into the Backwoods
Saturday my friend Chris and I decided to head out to Stave Lake and do some exploring. I had heard things about Stave Lake but had never really been out in the area to see for myself. We started off on a nice hike with a few waterfalls.As we progressed further along Stave Lake road we came across a few burned out vehicles. Some were obviously set on fire and then pushed over a cliff.
Next came the mud flats which was the destination of all the dirt bikes and ATVs we had heard while hiking.
We decided to take the Escort out onto a spit for fun, but decided against testing out the Escort's mud bogging ability.
A few kms past the mud flats we discovered where someone or someones were enjoying themselves shooting off a shotgun. The ground was littered with hundreds of empty shotgun cartridges.
We finally reached the limit of the Escort's abilities when the road got too steep and had too many large rocks. It took a couple runs to get up this hill.
The West side of Stave Lake is definitely an interesting area, I'm not sure I'll be heading back there anytime soon, unless I have a firearm to discharge or a car to burn. But it was a fun time, and there was a good view of Mt. Robie Reid.